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This font will looks more gorgeous when you pairing with a Geometric Sans or a Serif Font. On my artwork, i use Raleway for Sans, and Traditional Arabic for Serif.
I believe both fonts are free on Google Font or Typekit. For best typing experience, turn on “Contextual Alternates” on your program. This feature will make every ending letters are changes automatically when you type.


Happy Designing!

Additional information


App / Game, Broadcast, Business / Studio, Digital Ads, E-Pub, National Corporate, Server, Standard Desktop, Webfont, Worldwide Corporate

Charmline Script


Hendra Pratama

 License Type : Which license do i need?


On a limited budget or need a custom license?

 License Type : Which license do i need?

On a limited budget or need a custom license?




This font will looks more gorgeous when you pairing with a Geometric Sans or a Serif Font. On my artwork, i use Raleway for Sans, and Traditional Arabic for Serif.
I believe both fonts are free on Google Font or Typekit. For best typing experience, turn on “Contextual Alternates” on your program. This feature will make every ending letters are changes automatically when you type.


Happy Designing!

Additional information


App / Game, Broadcast, Business / Studio, Digital Ads, E-Pub, National Corporate, Server, Standard Desktop, Webfont, Worldwide Corporate