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With this font you can create a very elegant-readable signature for your personal or business name card, or a luxurious Logotype for your Brand or Corporation. For Storefront; Signboard or Neon Sign. For Magazine, Movies, or Book Titles. For Photography, Wedding Invitation, Restaurant Menu or T-shirt Design. For Flyers, Banner Ads, web and printing. From Food and Fashion to a Cosmetics product.


Happy Designing!

Additional information


App / Game, Broadcast, Business / Studio, Digital Ads, E-Pub, National Corporate, Server, Standard Desktop, Webfont, Worldwide Corporate



Hendra Pratama

 License Type : Which license do i need?


On a limited budget or need a custom license?

 License Type : Which license do i need?

On a limited budget or need a custom license?


With this font you can create a very elegant-readable signature for your personal or business name card, or a luxurious Logotype for your Brand or Corporation. For Storefront; Signboard or Neon Sign. For Magazine, Movies, or Book Titles. For Photography, Wedding Invitation, Restaurant Menu or T-shirt Design. For Flyers, Banner Ads, web and printing. From Food and Fashion to a Cosmetics product.


Happy Designing!

Additional information


App / Game, Broadcast, Business / Studio, Digital Ads, E-Pub, National Corporate, Server, Standard Desktop, Webfont, Worldwide Corporate